In a process quickly and efficiently to produce two colors or two ingredients of injection molding parts: secondary injection molding, injection molding, double color and composition model is more advanced molding technology of variations. To combine hard plastic and soft material, performs two step process in a injection molding cycle, merger of two or more components, thereby eliminating the extra cost of assembly.
Injection molding technology continue to become more and more complex. The latest manufacturing technology makes processors can use two different kinds of thermoplastic materials production injection molded parts. By the different material and the continuous improvement of molding technology, can the economic efficient mass production of complex features.
These materials in the polymer type or can be different on the hardness, and can be manufactured by molding technology, such as the double injection molding, injection molded twice, two color molding, two parts molded and/or injection molded many times. Whatever its name, has made a sandwich structure, which two or more polymer laminated together, to take advantage of their contribution to structure features. These moulded thermoplastic parts with good performance characteristics and reduce the cost.
Double color mold is how to work?
Double color injection molding process need one machine, this machine has two independent injection unit, each injection unit injection of different materials. As with normal injection molding cycle, the first material through mainstream injection system. In the process of injection, the space taken on a mold that will be the second material isolation from the mainstream way system. Then open the mold, and the core board rotate 180 degrees. Close the mold again, will assist runner system connected to the filling volume. Products fully cooled, open the mould and the product.
Double color mold work of the key factors:
Material melt temperature
The mold wall temperature
Injection speed
Injection time interval
Parts temperature
')}In a process quickly and efficiently to produce two colors or two ingredients of injection molding parts: secondary injection molding, injection molding, double color and composition model is more advanced molding technology of variations. To combine hard plastic and soft material, performs two step process in a injection molding cycle, merger of two or more components, thereby eliminating the extra cost of assembly.
Injection molding technology continue to become more and more complex. The latest manufacturing technology makes processors can use two different kinds of thermoplastic materials production injection molded parts. By the different material and the continuous improvement of molding technology, can the economic efficient mass production of complex features.
These materials in the polymer type or can be different on the hardness, and can be manufactured by molding technology, such as the double injection molding, injection molded twice, two color molding, two parts molded and/or injection molded many times. Whatever its name, has made a sandwich structure, which two or more polymer laminated together, to take advantage of their contribution to structure features. These moulded thermoplastic parts with good performance characteristics and reduce the cost.
Double color mold is how to work?
Double color injection molding process need one machine, this machine has two independent injection unit, each injection unit injection of different materials. As with normal injection molding cycle, the first material through mainstream injection system. In the process of injection, the space taken on a mold that will be the second material isolation from the mainstream way system. Then open the mold, and the core board rotate 180 degrees. Close the mold again, will assist runner system connected to the filling volume. Products fully cooled, open the mould and the product.
Double color mold work of the key factors:
Material melt temperature
The mold wall temperature
Injection speed
Injection time interval
Parts temperature